Colossus Arm

SSR Relic

Summon a colossus arm to battle for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 300 seconds. Gain hitstun immunity for the next 20 seconds. Tap the Relic again again to cancel. Normal attacks deal damage up to 1,387.7% of ATK and strongly launch enemies. Skills deal damage equal to 453.5% of ATK and strongly suspends enemies. Cooldown: 10 seconds.


Stars Effect
1 ★

Fire 2 missiles with each attack, delaing damage to the target. Each missile deals damage equal to 34.8% of ATK.

2 ★

Reduce cooldown to 200 seconds.

3 ★

Fire 4 missiles with each attack, dealing damage to the target. Each missile deals damage equal to 34.8% of ATK.

4 ★

Reduce physical damage received by 2%, even if not deployed. Unavailable in Apex League.

5 ★

Colossus Arm lasts for 30 seconds All damage taken for this duration is reduced by 20%.


The Colossus Arm used in this video is 2★
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